So it's friday night and I promised myself I would give myself a break tonight and leave the new html lessons for tomorrow. But here I am now, setting margins!

I'm going to do a spell soon. I've been gathering my components. And I've been thinking about what components are. So far, what I've collected are the objects of the spell, in that their content is the subject of the spell. And these are the components. Do I need "ingredients" for the spell that are metaphorical in nature? Some other meta beyond the media/substrate that holds the content-subject of what the purpose of the spell is?

Hypothetical: such as, a bushel of cilantro in order to affect a "cooling" of a specific relationship in my life.

That's the type of "metaphorical" component that I'm speaking of. And of course I have the firepit in which I'll conduct the spell. And the fire itself. And the fuel used to create the fire. These are all components, as well. And the night.

I don't know. I know.