Maybe today





So, tried a few things different today:

First, I started out with aligning text on the left. Very simple and easy but wanted to get my feet wet with

doing simple formatting changes. Next I do want to work with columns and even freestyle positioning. I think there is an html term for that like "exact positioning" or something..

Next I changed up font colors. And then I learned how to use several different fonts on the same page. I also learned how to import fonts from Google. I'm really fancying the "Montserrat" font I used for the first line of type.

I really need to look into how to adjust kerning and leading. The default leading leaves way too much space between lines of type.

Personally: what is this blog? What is this journal. Ok, so I'm 46. I'm a person. I own a house and property. I am a man. I have ultimate sovereignty in my life, which I believe is extraordinary. Extraordinary both on a local and universal level.

I've lived many things. Done many things. Accomplished many things. Unquantifiable and unqualifiable. Is that the measure?

I'm doing well.

I just started a new job which pays little but allows me to carry on. I love my cats. I love my house. I love my access to the online world. I love my history with art and being a creative being. I want to continue all of these things and celebrate them.

I love that I'm learning how to code html! A decade ago and even earlier I had people telling me "Oh, you should do it. It's so easy, you just copy and paste stuff to make it work!" And I, now, see how true all of that was but my mind was so intimidated by the idea of copy and pasting things of value without understanding them. I had put such a demand on my creative learning capabilities such that I required them to be granular, from the ground up. Which is silly.

I'm sitting at home in a home office in front of three monitors, two separate laptops, in a room painted light blue with white trim and white lace curtains, blue rug. The room is simple and bare, with one small bookcase containing books I have read, an oversized office chair and a simple, height-adjustable desk. Hanging on my wall is a framed, original cell from the movie Akira. I don't make much money, but if you had told my 17 year old self these exact circumstances I believe he'd be in wonder. He'd be proud.

And I'm in the motherfucking suburbs, bitch! What???!!