I prayed again today.
It's my rule that if I pray, I am praying for my "enemies." In this way a prayer is a spell. It has it's essential component of contradiction. And intention. And belief, and execution.
And the spell works half it's part on you and half it's part on the one prayed for.
And the spell works it's half part on you by being believed in. Simply, because your "enemies" are almost always your friends to begin with. And for that, there is good intention that has been created, by you, for the world.
And that's one form of a prayer.
This morning I was taking a walk at the audubon wildlife refuge and I saw a figure emerge from the forest.
A young woman, dressed in black shoes, sheer black tights; from her shoulders to mid thigh height she was enrobed in a black cape. The cape a perfect conical shape, freshly pressed.
We approached and I brought my eyes to her in greeting.
She pulled an arm up at the elbow, tight to her torso, opened a hand straight.
"Good morning," behind a nervous, bashful smile that says, "I just got caught being a dork."
And, aw shucks, I gave her full, appreciative thanks with my full beam back.
And sometimes you pray just for God.