This is my first entry on this site. This site will be used as a journal/diary/blog for my own personal use.

Let this begin in a haphazard way.

Whatever will come, will come

This is a place where I will begin two new(sort of) hobbies at the same time together: Learning html and journaling. I say "sort of" because this will not be my first time journaling. However, this is my first time learning html.

Learning html so far has been fun. It is slow and the victories are small but they come very quickly once you know what you want to do and how to search for the answers. Journaling also has a similar ease of method with slow, but consistent results.

I can simply write and write and write, open ended, in a journaling format and none of it has to necessarily carry great weight or meaning. Yet, still, the sight of a few finished paragraphs of journaling always feels satisfying.

Each entry of journaling can be as small or big as I want it to be. And each day's report can come alongside a new lesson learned in using html.